Plastics For Change selected for the Global Innovation Challenge: Future of Flexibles | Plastics For Change (Old Website)

Plastics For Change selected for the Global Innovation Challenge: Future of Flexibles

We're excited to announce that we have been selected as part of the cohort for The Incubation Network's Global Innovation Challenge: Future of Flexibles!
Together with other 14 companies, we will work to redefine the future of flexible plastic waste across South and Southeast Asia.


The waste crisis in South Asia is spiraling out of control. Rivers stuffed with plastic, waste being incinerated in rural areas and marine life suffering from micro-plastic are already a reality in many areas in this side of the world.

One of the most common types of plastic that is found in ocean and beach clean-ups and that is often seen lying around in our environment is flexible packaging. While water bottles, for example, are easy to recycle and have “real value” to the recycling industry, flexible packaging is made by a mixture of lower-quality plastics making it very hard to recycle.

“Flexible packaging is made by a Mixture of Low-Quality Plastics making it very hard to recycle”

As a consequence, items like plastic bags and food wraps are often uncollected and end up lying around, finding their way into our environment and eventually in the ocean. If we want to stop the flux of this flexible plastic to our oceans, we must act now.

This is why Plastics For Change decided to join the Global Innovation Challenge: Future of Flexibles.


With the support of industry experts and guidance, we want to scale our solution for the hard-to-recycle plastic waste issue: utilizing low-value plastic as a construction material for housing in India.

In addition, we believe the Challenge will be a great platform to promote our model of ethically sourced recycled plastic, which helps reducing plastic pollution and poverty at the same time.

If you want to know more about the challenge, have a look at the video below!

