Plastics For Change makes it easy for brands and manufacturers to source a consistent supply of high quality recycled plastic from responsible supply chains.
What Makes Us Different?
Fair Trade verified
Quality and Consistency Guarantee
Transparent chain of custody
Impact measurements and EPR data
“ “Plastic can be a force for good. By partnering with Plastics For Change, we can set fair conditions and prices, and give access to global markets.” ”
Request a copy of our rPET, rPP, rHDPE and rLDPE product catalogue
Our three step process
Procure with purpose and achieve your recycling goals
EPR Compliance
Brand owners and manufacturers are at risk of losing their manufacturing license unless they comply with India's new EPR legislation. This legislation states that Manufacturers/Brands should put in place a system to collect back the packaging waste generated due to their production.
Consistent Supply
Sourcing consistent supplies of high quality recycled plastic can be a major challenge for when procuring from the traditional marketplace. Our ethical sourcing platform empowers clients to achieve JIT supply chain forecasting to ensure orders are delivered on time and in full. Through our transparency value chains, Plastics For Change is able to design the shared value chain in advance and facilitate a consistent procurement flow.
Relentless Commitment to Quality
Our procurement process and mobile platform builds transparency and accountability into our supply chain. This enables Plastics For Change to certify a robust quality assurance process at each stage of the supply chain. We’re able to provide the highest quality recycled plastic in the market because our shared value chain stakeholders receive training and bonus payment incentives.
Profitable Price
Our policy is to make it profitable for brands and manufacturers to transition away from virgin plastic and to start using ethically sourced plastic. As a for-profit social enterprise the majority of our profits continue to be reinvested in achieving our social mission.
CSR program
Our platform can collect customized impact measurement metrics to evaluate progress towards the sustainable development goals, from Co2 savings to livelihood creation. We can help integrate CSR into the heart of your company’s business strategies and organizational culture. Activate purpose with your employees from HR and business development to marketing and sales.
We're here to help your company change from virgin to recycled plastic.
How can my company comply with new EPR legislation?
How can my company put in place a collect back scheme for multi-layer packaging?
How can my company purchase a consistent supply of high quality plastic?
How can my company connect with consumers and build brand loyalty?
How can my company strengthen corporate culture through integrated CSR?
How can my company build more trust and shared values through our supply chain?
How can my company track and measure progress towards the sustainable development goals?
If you have questions, we have answers.
So how does this process work?
Now more than ever consumers want to purchase from brands who share their values. Leave a message that will resonate.
Our platform can collect real time data to measure your brand's progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)