Cause Marketing for Brands | Plastics For Change (Old Website)

Did you know that



of consumers will buy a product because the company they’re supporting cares about a cause that’s relevant to them. (IEG)


of consumers choose, switch, avoid or boycott a brand based on its stand on societal and environmental issues? (Edelman study)



Now more than ever, consumers are looking for brands that are sustainable and can lead the way in creating a better future for our planet. Our ethical marketplace platform enables brands to do that by sourcing our fair-trade recycled plastic, but we also help amplify that step - by helping our partners tell the story behind the plastic and the lives it’s changed.

what we can do for you

We provide brands - that source or offset through our fair-trade recycled plastic - with a proven strategy to build brand loyalty by delivering a message that resonates with their consumers


- Increase Sales

- Achieve Product Differentiation

- Boost Your Social Media Reach

- Deepen Brand Loyalty

- Reduce Trash Talk on Social Media

- Enhance Employee Engagement


Point-of-Sale Opportunities

We can help you engage with your consumers at the point of sale, helping build the narrative of your brand’s environmental and social impact.

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case study - THe Body Shop


What The Body Shop Needed

  • Prevent Consumer Backlash - end the anti-plastic ‘trash talk’

  • Deepen Brand Loyalty - creating a message that resonates with their customers

  • Differentiate from other brands using rPlastic


What we Provided

  • PR Launch - including a Press Trip of our supply chain

  • Content Creation - capturing and retelling inspiring community impact stories

  • Impact Measurement & Follow Up Stories


the result

  • The Body Shop won three industry awards

  • 522 articles published (within 6 months)

  • 33,632 shares online (within 6 months)

  • 38% increase in average coverage and 100% increase in engagement (during the launch month)

  • 33 international journalists and influencers toured Plastics For Change operations in India

  • Online sentiment changed from ‘concerned and negative’ to ‘positive and interested’


Let us tell your story