5 ways to join the fight against plastic pollution

Thank you for showing an interest in joining the fight against plastic pollution!

The pollution crisis is worsening by the day and the only way we can truly create change is if we come together and counter the crisis head on. Here are some ways you can help.

1. Create demand for recycled plastic

Did you know that across the world there are over 14 million waste pickers at the base of the recycling economy? Or that replacing 1 tonne of fossil fuel based plastic can save 1.8-2.5 tonnes of CO2?

We’ve developed a free supply chain simulation tool to help brands calculate the positive impact they can have by buying sourcing our fair trade recycled plastic.

Please share the simulator on your socials and tag your favorite brands so that they can take part in the solution not the pollution. 


2. give directly to vulnerable waste pickers

Despite being on the forefront of the fight against plastic pollution, waste pickers are one of the most marginalized people in the world . Our foundation has been working hard towards creating sustainable change in their communities through our social development schemes that are aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty that so many are stuck in.

Their plight has only worsened with the COVID19 crisis. If you’re coping and able to help someone worse off, now is the time to act. Giving directly is a fast, efficient way to offset your plastic consumption and become plastic neutral. You can do so here.

Did you know that 65% of Fortune 500 companies match employee donations? Search for your workplace to see if you can easily 2X your impact in giving directly. If it’s not listed, you can casually drop this fun factoid at your next trivia night! :P

3. Source recycled plastic

The need for a plastics circular economy is at all time high - brands need to limit their use of virgin plastic and begin sourcing recycled plastic for their products. We understand that this transition is not the easiest for most and that’s why at Plastics For Change, we’ve made it our mission to help brands through this process.

If you’re a brand or manufacturer interested in sourcing our recycled plastic - learn more about the process here. If you’re a consumer, please share this page and tag your favorite brands so that they can join the push towards a plastics circular economy.


You, the consumer, have a huge role to play in ensuring that brands and manufacturers around the world choose to be sustainable and ethical in their practices. At the current rate, plastic production is expected to grow by 40% by 2030 - this can begin to change if you begin to start buying from environmentally friendly brands that use recycled plastic in their products.

Our partner, The Body Shop is a perfect example of a brand that values being sustainable and have committed to helping tackle the plastic pollution crisis.

5. Spread the word and raise awareness!

One of the most important things you can do is spread the word regarding the reality of the plastic pollution crisis. You can start by sharing this page on your socials, using the links below. Subscribe to our newsletter below as well, to keep track of the latest news and trends in the fight against plastic pollution.

P.S. When you share the page on your socials don’t forget to tag us and someone who you believe needs to see this!